Sunday, September 20, 2015


In our world of fast food, fast pace, careers and high stress and anxiety, it is difficult to find spirituality in our life. I have suffered from and still battle with, Generalized Anxiety, Depression and Catastrophizing  I worked for several years at a very unorganized, demanding and difficult job. I worked with family members, friends and associates that made my job life difficult. I felt with extremely large companies that love to throw their weights on to the little guy simply because they can. One of those companies for example is one you might has its hands (G)enerally in (E)electrify (wink wink). It was extremely difficult to under stand the need for and the value in developing a spiritual life.

I have however realized over the course of time and work that my spirituality as a lay buddhist was a key component to having not only a successful and fulfilling career, but also a strong and balanced personal and family life. This site is dedicated to the those persons who live the fast pace, drive through life and need help in connecting to their spiritual side.

Let's not confuse spiritual for Religious. Religious is systemic and/or dogmatic set of beliefs and rules. Anyone who says they are a specific religion can benefit from some sort of mindful meditation or practice. In fact, I would go so far as saying that many who say "I'm a (Christian, Catholic, Muslim)" only say that out of an automatic response system but are actually not spiritual. How many Catholics do you know who truly live by the term "Turn the Other Cheek". How many Muslims truly see another person and say "Alla is Merciful and Forgiving". There are perversions of each religion, including Buddhism.

As someone who has studied buddhism for leisure and has read and heard a few books on the topic, I thought that discussing it with the world would help anyone else in a similar situation, looking to practice for themselves more eastern mindfulness practices such as Tibetan Buddhism, Zen Buddhism and Mindful Meditation Practices would assist.

You will see my own struggles and difficulties in balancing a life of compassion with the difficulties in the world of business. The difficulty in doing what is right for a profit or my company while trying to hold true to fundamental thoughts of being a decent human being and a moral person.

Hopefully as time continues to move forward I will be posting here more and more with techniques for meditation, thoughtfulness, compassion and mindfulness that you will be able to add to your life. In addition,  There are so many  I will also add books, movies, music anything I think will assist us as we move in this journey together.


PS. If you want additional info on a great system for powerful, simple meditations that don't take up a lot of time,  click here to visit The Three Minute Meditation